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HomeWeb DevelopmentShort ContentsIntroductionCSS Basics Selectors Terminology Media Types Paged Media Aural Media Colours Fonts Text Blocks Lists & counters Tables Miscellaneous Full ContentsIntroductionChanges from CSS1Other CSS sites Download this Guide CSS BasicsSetting StylesUsing external files ...media dependant Setting Style values Comments Inheritance Selectors...by class...by id ...contextual ...all elements ...if a child ...adjacent elements ...by attributes Psuedo Classes ...<A> links :hover :active :focus :lang :firstchild Psuedo Elements ...first line ...first letter ...:before and :after ...inserting content TerminologyCascades"! important" CSS element model Block elements Guide Terminology Units ...lengths ...colours Media Types...giving style...supported types Paged Mediamarginspage size crop marks left, right, first pages page break before page break after page break inside page names orphaned content widowed content Aural Mediavolumespeak pausebefore pauseafter pause cuebefore cueafter cue playduring azimuth elevation speech rate voice family average pitch pitch range stress richness punctuation numbers table headers ColoursForeground colourBackground ...-color ...-image ...-repeat ...-attachment ...-position FontsFont...-family ...-style ...-variant ...-weight ...-size ...-sizeadjust ...-stretch Textword-spacingletter-spacing text-decoration text-shadow vertical-align text-transform text-align text-indent line-height quotes Blocksindividual marginsall margins individual padding all padding border widths all border-widths border-color border-style individual borders all borders width min width max width height min height max height float clear position ...where layered position text direction bidirectional override line height vertical align overflow clipping visibility Lists & counterslist-stylelist-style-type list-style-image list-style-position marker offset resetting counters incrementing counters nesting counters counter appearance displaying counters Tablescaption positionlayout method border display border spacing empty cells MiscellaneousDisplayRun-in boxes whitespace cursors outline outline width outline style outline colour |
Paged MediaInformation specific to paged media is placed within the curly braces of the@page { } structure. The border and padding properties are currently ignored, but margins are specified with margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left, and margin .
This property indicates if marks should be added to indicate the edge of the page (since it may be smaller than the physical page). Available on pages with specific sizes stated, you can assign them crop marks (show where the page ends) or crop marks (used to align pages), or both. Left, right, and first page pseduo classes@page :left { margininfo } @page :right { margininfo } @page :first { margin-top: 10cm}The above are used to specify information specific to left and right pages (for double sided printing), and for cover pages. :left and :right properties override general page properties, and :first overrides :left and :right. page-break-before
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